March 14, 2025

Malcom Schein

Wireless Solutions

Real Time Data Processing Explained


Real-time data processing is a critical part of the modern world. As more companies adopt cloud technology and users become more mobile, the need for real time analysis and processing is becoming critical. Cloud computing provides the opportunity to process information at scale in real time to deliver insight that can impact business outcomes. But what is real time processing? How does it work? And why should your company be doing it? In this article we’ll explore all three questions as well as some examples of businesses successfully using real-time analytics technologies to improve their operations.

What is real-time processing?

Real-time processing is the ability to process data as it is being collected. Real time processing can be used to make decisions on the fly, predict future trends and analyze data as it is being collected.

Real-time data processing

Real-time data processing is the process of analyzing and transforming data as it is being collected. It’s used in a variety of applications, from fraud detection to financial transactions and sensor networks.

In this article we’ll look at:

  • What is real-time data processing?
  • Why use real-time processing?
  • How does it work?

Why is real-time processing so important?

Real-time data processing is the process of analyzing data as it is being generated. This allows you to make better decisions and optimize your business processes, which can help you save time and money.

A recent Forrester report on real-time analytics explains that “real-time” does not imply any particular speed; rather it refers to an environment where insights are available for action in near real time (or faster). In other words, if your company needs information about its operation(s) before making a decision or taking action then that’s considered “real-time.”

Who needs real-time data processing?

The answer is simple: anyone who needs to make decisions in real time. Real-time data processing is most often used by companies that need to react quickly to changes in the market, improve customer experience and operational efficiency.

This includes businesses like Amazon, Netflix and Uber who are constantly tracking how their customers behave on their websites or apps so they can provide them with an optimal experience at all times. This also includes banks like Santander or Barclays which use real time data processing technology to monitor transactions as soon as they happen so they can ensure there aren’t any fraudulent activities going on within their systems.

Types of real-time processing

Real time processing is a broad term that refers to the ability of an application or infrastructure to process data as it arrives, in real time. There are several different types of real time processing that can be used in conjunction with big data analytics:

  • Real-time streaming ETL (Extract Transform Load) – this type of processing uses existing batch ETL tools but adds an additional step at the end where data is streamed into a database so it can be accessed immediately by other applications. For example, if you have an order management system that stores orders until they’re shipped then you could use this type of approach so that shipping details are available for inventory management purposes as soon as they are entered into your system. This reduces latency from days down to minutes or seconds depending on how often orders were being placed during testing stages before going live with production data sets.* Real Time Applications That Use Streams Of Data – these are applications designed specifically around real-time streams rather than traditional databases where only one user accesses records at any given time (i..e there’s no “locking” mechanism). Since each user has their own copy on their own computer(s) instead though there may still be some lag between when something happens versus when another person sees those changes happening over network connections because each computer has its own clock setting too.* Real Time Processing Of Big Data – although most people associate big data analysis with storing lots of information about various topics such as weather patterns across entire continents etcetera then querying against them later when needed; there’s actually another way which involves creating algorithms which perform analysis directly on incoming streams without having first stored them somewhere else beforehand!

Real time streaming ETL

ETL is the process of extracting, transforming and loading data. It’s used in many industries, including finance, retail and healthcare. ETL is also used to move data from one system to another; for example you might use an ETL tool to move your customer database from MySQL into InfluxDB or other time-series database so that you can store it long term and analyze it later on.

The purpose of an ETL pipeline is usually to cleanse your source data before storing it in a different location or format (for example moving from CSV files into a relational database).

Real time applications that use streams of data

The following are examples of real time applications that use streams of data:

  • Video surveillance systems. These systems use video cameras to record images and then analyze them for suspicious activity, such as a person stealing merchandise or breaking into a car. The system sends alerts when it detects something suspicious, which helps security personnel respond quickly.
  • Data mining systems. These systems monitor large amounts of data–such as financial transactions or weather patterns–and identify trends or anomalies that might indicate fraud or other problems within an organization’s operations (for example, if there is an unusually high number of claims from customers who live in one area). They also can predict future events based on historical information about past events (for example, what will happen if we raise our prices?).
  • Sensor networks: Sensors are small devices that gather information about their surroundings such as temperature, humidity levels and movement within an area–and some may even have cameras attached so they can take pictures automatically when something unusual happens nearby (for example if someone tries breaking into your house).

As more companies adopt cloud technology and users become more mobile, the need for real time analysis and processing is becoming critical.

As more companies adopt cloud technology and users become more mobile, the need for real time analysis and processing is becoming critical.

Cloud computing allows users to access their data from anywhere at any time. This means that companies can use these platforms to process large amounts of information in real time, which allows them to offer better services to their customers.

Mobile devices also require real-time data processing because they have limited memory space that must be used efficiently so as not to slow down operations when running multiple applications simultaneously (such as listening music while browsing social media).


With the rise of big data and mobile, companies need to be able to process their data in real time. This will allow them to keep up with their customers and make sure they’re getting the most out of their products and services. By implementing a real-time data processing system that uses streams of information, companies can make smarter decisions about how they operate on a daily basis | Newsphere by AF themes.