March 16, 2025

Malcom Schein

Wireless Solutions

Edge Computing: The Most Important Technology Of 2018


Edge computing is the most important technology of 2018. It’s not just a buzzword, either; it’s a real shift in how companies and people store and process data. And with cloud computing reaching its limits, edge computing will be key to digital transformation in 2019 and beyond. So what exactly is edge computing? How can you adopt it? And what are the challenges you’ll encounter along the way? Let’s dig into them!

Where is the edge?

Edge computing is a distributed computing model that moves some of the processing and storage of an application out to the edge of the network.

Edge computing is a way to take advantage of the low latency and high bandwidth available at the network edge. It allows for faster response times, lower costs and more flexibility in how you deliver your applications and services–and it can help you innovate faster than ever before!

Why edge computing?

Edge computing is a new way of thinking about computing. It allows for more flexibility, better performance and real-time processing. It also enables privacy and security features that you might not have thought possible before.

Edge computing is the key to unlocking these benefits: it allows you to collect data from your network devices at the edge of your network (such as sensors or IoT devices), process it locally before sending it back up to the cloud for storage and analysis.

What are the benefits of edge computing?

  • Reduced latency: With edge computing, you can reduce the time it takes for data to travel from source to destination. This is especially important for applications with real-time requirements (such as autonomous vehicles).
  • Reduced cost: Because of its distributed architecture, edge computing can help you cut down on infrastructure costs by reducing the number of servers needed in each location.
  • Increased security and control: Edge computing gives users more control over their data and how it’s used while also helping businesses protect sensitive information from hackers by keeping them out of centralized servers or clouds.

Challenges with adopting edge computing

  • Security. The edge has to be secure, or you’re going to have a very bad time.
  • Privacy. You don’t want your data being snooped on by hackers or anyone else who can access it–and that’s not just because of security concerns; it’s also because of legal compliance issues.
  • Latency, bandwidth and cost challenges still exist in many places around the world, so even if you are able to implement edge computing successfully on a small scale right now, there may come a point when doing so becomes prohibitively expensive or technically infeasible due to lack of infrastructure support at the edge location itself (such as electricity).

How to adopt edge computing?

As an IT leader, you may be wondering how to adopt edge computing. To help you get started, here are some tips:

  • Understand the value proposition. While edge computing has many benefits for enterprises and service providers, it’s important to understand what they are and why they matter to your organization. For example, if one of your goals is to improve user experience by reducing latency or speeding up response times–and if those improvements will lead directly to increased revenue–then adopting an edge-based solution could be worth considering.
  • Understand technology requirements and limitations. It’s also important that you understand exactly what kind of hardware is needed for your particular use case; for example, whether it’s better suited for data centers or PCs/laptops connected directly into local networks (via WiFi). This will let you make informed decisions about which types of devices would best fit into each part of your network architecture as well as help determine whether there will be any security concerns in doing so (e.g., ensuring that all users have adequate access privileges).

Edge computing requires new technology and new thinking, but it has enormous potential benefit in digital transformation.

Edge computing is a new technology, but it’s also a new way of thinking. It requires a fresh approach to business and life in general.

Edge computing will be the most important technology of 2018, because edge computing will change the way we do business and live our lives.


Edge computing is a rapidly evolving technology that will have a significant impact on how we use our devices and access data in the future. It’s important to understand what edge computing means, why it matters and how it can help you achieve your business goals. | Newsphere by AF themes.