February 15, 2025

Malcom Schein

Wireless Solutions

Don’t Believe In Augmented Reality? The Future Is Now.


When you think of augmented reality, what comes to mind? Maybe Pokémon Go or an awkward demo from a futurist in a lab coat. But augmented reality is much more than just gaming or technology. It’s also about making our lives easier, healthier, and more productive. This is why we’re betting on AR to become one of the biggest trends of 2019—and beyond!

Everyday Life

Augmented reality is already being used in everyday life, and it’s just a natural extension of the smartphone. Take Pokémon Go as an example: when you look at your phone screen and see a Pikachu or Charizard pop up on top of your real-world surroundings, that’s augmented reality!

It might seem like something out of science fiction, but augmented reality is already being used in education and healthcare–and it could soon become part of your daily routine.


Augmented Reality (AR) is being used to enhance the learning experience. AR can be used to help students visualize concepts, learn about the world around them and even teach them about history or science.

For example, AR can be used in a classroom setting by having a student hold up an iPad or other tablet device that has been loaded with an app like Wikitude World Browser Pro (which allows you to see historical landmarks through your phone’s camera). The teacher would then point out where they are standing and explain what they’re seeing in terms of history or science–all while making it easier for kids to understand what’s going on around them!


The workplace is one of the most obvious places to use augmented reality. You may have heard of AR being used in manufacturing, but it’s also being implemented in offices and other workplaces.

Here are some ways you might see AR impact your job:

  • Helping employees learn new skills through tutorials and training videos that pop up on demand when needed (no more watching an hour-long video just to figure out how to do something).
  • Showing where things are located so employees don’t waste time looking around for them or misplace items due to poor visibility of surrounding areas (think about how many times you’ve misplaced something like a stapler, only to find it later under another pile of papers).


If you’re a gamer, you know that AR is one of the most popular applications for augmented reality.

Augmented reality games offer a more immersive and interactive experience than traditional video games. In addition to letting players interact with their environment, these new technologies allow users to play against each other in real time–a feature that’s been previously impossible in gaming because of limitations on bandwidth or network traffic.

This isn’t just good news for gamers; it also means that AR games are more social than traditional ones because they allow multiple people at once (or multiple people over long distances) to play together simultaneously. In fact, some companies have already started experimenting with multiplayer versions of their existing titles by adding new modes where players can interact with each other through virtual avatars instead of just against NPCs controlled by AI algorithms (which still aren’t perfect).

Finally, since these technologies require only basic hardware like smartphones or tablets rather than expensive PCs/consoles like Sony PlayStation 4 Pro ($399), anyone can enjoy this immersive experience without breaking their budget!


  • Entertainment: Augmented reality is the next big thing. In fact, it’s already here. You can use AR to play games, watch movies and concerts, or even engage in sports activities when you’re not physically able to do so.
  • Gaming: Augmented reality games are being developed as we speak–and they’re going to blow your mind! The best part? You can play them anywhere!
  • Sports: Imagine being able to watch an NBA game from the comfort of your own home while sitting on your couch with friends or family members gathered around you cheering on their favorite teams…and then being able to jump onto court during halftime break for an actual pick-up game against some of those players from courtside seats (or even better yet…from inside their shoes). This isn’t just something that exists only in science fiction anymore; this has actually happened before (and will continue happening more often as time goes on).

Health Care

The medical field is one of the most promising for Augmented Reality. It has been used to help with training, diagnostics and surgery.


A doctor’s ability to learn is limited by their time in school as well as their hands-on experience with patients. By using augmented reality technology, doctors can go back into their past experiences and review them more thoroughly than ever before. This will allow them to become more knowledgeable than they ever would have been otherwise!

Diagnostics: Augmented reality allows doctors to better understand how diseases work at a molecular level so that they can make better decisions about treatment plans for each individual patient when it comes down do it – this means less guesswork for everyone involved!

Augmented reality is the next big thing.

“Augmented reality is the next big thing.”

It’s not just a catchphrase, but a reality that has been proven by technology companies like Apple and Microsoft. AR has been around since 1990, but only recently have we seen it gain traction in mainstream culture with the introduction of apps like Pokémon Go and Snapchat filters. These apps prove that people are ready for more immersive experiences than ever before–and they’re willing to pay for them!


Augmented reality is the next big thing. It’s not just about gaming or entertainment anymore–AR has the potential to change every aspect of our lives, from education and work to health care and even personal relationships. We’re already seeing some of these changes happening today as more people adopt AR devices like Google Glasses or Microsoft HoloLens headsets into their lives. But even if you don’t think this sounds impressive yet (or maybe even kind of silly), keep an eye out for how AR technology might affect your life in five years from now!

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